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《Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc》电子版简介

发布时间:2023-09-07 10:57责任编辑:姚小新
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
作者:Mark Twain
图书简介:Mark Twain's work on Joan of Arc is titled in full Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc, by the Sieur Louis de Conte who is identified further as Joan's page and secretary. The work is fictionally presented as a translation from the manuscript by Jean Francois Alden, or, in the words of the published book, "Freely Translated out of the Ancient French into Modern English from the Original Unpublished Manuscript in the National Archives of France".De Conte is a fictionalized version of Joan of Arc's page Louis de Contes, and provides narrative unity to the story. He is presented as an individual who was with Joan during the three major phases of her life - as a youth in Domremy, as the commander of Charles' army on military campaign, and as a defendant at the trial in Rouen. The book is presented as a translation by Alden of de Conte's memoirs, written in his later years for the benefit of his descendants.马克·吐温(1835——1910):美国作家,真实姓名是塞缪尔·兰霍恩·克莱门斯。“马克·吐温”是他的笔名,原是密西西比河水手使用的表示在航道上所测水的深度的术语。马克·吐温一生写了大量作品,题材涉及小说、剧本、散文、诗歌等各方面。从内容上说,他的作品批判了不合理现象或人性的丑恶之处,表达了这位当过排字工人和水手的作家强烈的正义感和对普通人民的关心;从风格上说,专家们和一般读者都认为,幽默和讽刺是他的写作特点。


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