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《The Woman in White(白衣女人)》电子版简介

发布时间:2023-09-07 10:45责任编辑:吴小强
The Woman in White(白衣女人)
作者:Wilkie Collins
分类:推理悬疑, 外国现当代, 文学经典
图书简介:The Woman in White is an epistolary novel written by Wilkie Collins in 1859, serialized in 1859–1860, and first published in book form in 1860. It is considered to be among the first mystery novels and is widely regarded as one of the first (and finest) in the genre of 'sensation novels'.As was customary at that time, The Woman in White was first published as a magazine serial. The first episode appeared on 29 November 1859, following Charles Dickens's own A Tale of Two Cities in Dickens's magazine All the Year Round in England, and Harper's Magazine in America. It caused an immediate sensation. Julian Symons (in his 1974 introduction to the Penguin edition) reports that "queues formed outside the offices to buy the next instalment. Bonnets, perfumes, waltzes and quadrilles were called by the book's title. Gladstone cancelled a theatre engagement to go on reading it. And Prince Albert sent a copy to Baron Stockmar."威尔基·柯林斯(Wilkie Collins):1824年1月8日生于伦敦,1889年9月23日死在伦敦。父亲是个风景画家。他12岁时随父母迁居意大利,三年后回国,就读于海伯里私立寄宿学校,曾在茶叶公司工作,后改学法律,在伦敦林肯法学协会当过律师。1847年,父亲死后,他才开始以写作为生。第一部作品是《威廉·柯林斯》传,不久就从事小说创作。一开始成绩平平,后来他结识了当代文豪狄更斯,成为莫逆之交,并为狄更斯主编的,当时最风行的杂志经常撰稿。他的长篇小说往往在这本杂志上先发表,然后出单行本。这期间他写了不少小说,大都以侦破犯罪事件为题材,柯林斯即以此种小说蜚声社会,享誉30余年,但他作品虽多,而得以流传后世并得到肯定的仅有《月亮宝石》和成名作《白衣女人》两部。


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