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《Across China on Foot(徒步中国)》电子版简介

发布时间:2023-09-07 11:27责任编辑:顾先生
Across China on Foot(徒步中国)
作者:Edwin John Dingle
分类:散文随笔, 旅行
图书简介:This classic China travel book was first published in 1911. Edwin Dingle, an English journalist and eccentric, recounts his adventures as he travels up the Yangtze River from Shanghai and then walks southwest from Chongqing across some of China's most wild and woolly territory to Burma. Along the way, Dingle describes life and society in southwest China in a readable and sensitive way.This is a public domain book converted by anonymous volunteers and you may find it for free on the web.This work is respectfully inscribed by the author.Edwin Dingle was born in 1881 and in the early 1900s was working in Singapore as a journalist. Looking for adventure, he traveled up the Yangtze River from Shanghai and then by foot southwest from Chongqing across some of China's most wild and woolly territory to Burma. This book was published in 1911. Dingle was in Shanghai in the early 1920s, and was the proprietor of China and Far East Finance and Commerce, the predecessor publication of the Far Eastern Economic Review. In the mid-1920s, he headed to the United States, where he founded his own health and sex cult in 1927 around the concept of Mental physics, which kept him occupied until the ripe old age of 91.


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