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《Grimm's Fairy Tales(格林童话)》电子版简介

发布时间:2023-09-07 11:24责任编辑:梁小树
Grimm's Fairy Tales(格林童话)
作者:Wilhelm Grimm, Jacob Grimm
分类:世界名著, 寓言童话
图书简介:The Brothers Grimm rediscovered a host of fairy tales, telling of princes and princesses in their castles, witches in their towers and forests, of giants and dwarfs, of fabulous animals and dark deeds.This selection of their folk tales was made and translated by Lucy Crane, and includes firm favourites such as Rapunzel, The Goose Girl, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel and Gretel and Snow White. This is a public domain book converted by anonymous volunteers and you may find it for free on the web.This work is respectfully inscribed by the author.《格林童话》自一八一五年问世以来,在近两百年的时间里,已被译成世界上一百四十余种文字,其中《青蛙王子》、《灰姑娘》、《白雪公主》、《不来梅城的乐师》、《睡美人》等都是脍炙人口、家喻户晓的名篇,许多还被改编成各种戏剧、歌剧和芭蕾剧搬上舞台,拍成电影和电视剧,可以说,“格林童话”以一种特有的文学风格传遍了世界每个角落;它的影响超越了它的国界,也超越了它的时代。The Brothers Grimm, Jacob (1785-1863) and Wilhelm (1786-1859), were born in Hanau, near Frankfurt, in the German state of Hesse. Throughout their lives they remained close friends, and both studied law at Marburg University. Jacob was a pioneer in the study of German philology, and although Wilhelm's work was hampered by poor health the brothers collaborated in the creation of a German dictionary, not completed until a century after their deaths. But they were best (and universally) known for the collection of over two hundred folk tales they made from oral sources and published in two volumes of 'Nursery and Household Tales' in 1812 and 1814. Although their intention was to preserve such material as part of German cultural and literary history, and their collection was first published with scholarly notes and no illustration, the tales soon came into the possession of young readers. This was in part due to Edgar Taylor, who made the first English translation in 1823, selecting about fifty stories 'with the amusement of some young friends principally in view.' They have been an essential ingredient of children's reading ever since.


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